The G7 Summit, climate action & the US

5 reasons why Trump’s “Paris Agreement is very unfair” argument does not hold.  At the end of this week, the G7 countries meet in Chalevoix,...

Event: Online Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2021

Two weeks before the G20 Summit in Rome and COP26 in Glasgow, Climate Transparency launched the 2021 edition of its yearly comprehensive overview of...

G20 Climate Policy – More action needed

Climate Policy Framework G20 countries have increasingly introduced climate policies, showing growing awareness around the need for climate action and its benefits. Important policy instruments are...

Event: Launch of the Brown to Green Report 2018 in South...

The launch of the Brown to Green Report 2018 in South Africa was hosted by the Energy Research Centre (ERC). The launch took place...

G20 Decarbonisation – Coal needs to go

Energy and Carbon Intensity For the G20 as a whole, the energy intensity of the economy (TPES/GDP) and the carbon intensity of the economy (CO2/GDP)...

Event: Global energy transition and future of coal in Indonesia

The Institute for Essential Services Reform, the Climate Transparency Partner in Indonesia, organised two events: on 1 April an international seminar entitled "Global Energy...

Event: Online Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020

The Climate Transparency Report 2020 (formerly the Brown to Green Report) was released on 18 November 2020. On this occasion, we organized three thematic online launch...

Rebounding emissions: Take the high road!

The rebound of emissions in 2021 from a temporary dip in 2020 by 5.9%, induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, is in stark contrast to...

G20 Climate Policy and Targets

Climate Policy Performance The CCPI policy evaluations show a growing sensibility among G20 governments of the need for and benefits from climate action. Many countries...

G20 Fossil fuel subsidies and finance workshop in Tokyo

18-19 April Tokyo, Climate Transparency together with the Japanese Partner, IGES, and ODI, among others, organised on 18-19 April 2019 in Tokyo an international...

Climate Transparency

G20 Climate Policy – More action needed

Climate Policy Framework G20 countries have increasingly introduced climate policies, showing growing awareness around the need for climate action and its benefits. Important policy instruments are...