The Climate Ambition Summit – The G20 transition from coal to...

The United Nations Secretary General António Guterres called to super-charge efforts to achieve the Climate Solidarity Pact through an Acceleration Agenda. The G20 as...

Paper: Energy Transition in Mexico – A fair coal phase-out

Designing a fair coal phase-out strategy in Mexico is one of the country’s most urgent measures to address climate change and to ensure an...

Event: A fair coal phase-out – a needed dialogue for Mexico,...

On 14 December 2021 the Mexican partner of Climate Transparency, Iniciativa Climática de México (ICM), organised the online event entitled “A fair coal phase-out...

Event: Global energy transition and future of coal in Indonesia

The Institute for Essential Services Reform, the Climate Transparency Partner in Indonesia, organised two events: on 1 April an international seminar entitled "Global Energy...

Event: A just coal transition for South Africa

The Energy Research Centre, TIPS, IDDRI and Climate Strategies organised a symposium on a just coal transition in South Africa on 27 February 2019...

EVENT: Implementing the Energy Transition: Policies in Colombia, Germany, India, Indonesia...

The Global Stocktake is clear: All countries need to raise their ambition to curb their emissions effectively, to a degree that is fair to...

Event: Beyond coal – South Korea and Germany share experiences

Solutions for Our Climate, Climate Transparency and the German Embassy in Seoul hold an online event on 27 January 2021: “Beyond Coal – Towards Net-Zero...

Event: Change We Want – Just Transitions around the World

The consequences of the climate emergency are becoming more and more visible worldwide with floods, extreme heat waves and unusual droughts, compromising global and...

Event: Beyond coal – Towards net-zero emissions

The German Embassy in Tokyo, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and Climate Transparency hold an online event on 18 December 2020: “Beyond coal –...

21 May 2019 l Event: Brown to Green Forum

The British Embassy Berlin and Climate Transparency organised the Brown to Green Forum: Managing the phase out of coal - perspectives from Germany, the...

Climate Transparency

G20 Fossil fuel subsidies and finance workshop in Tokyo

18-19 April Tokyo, Climate Transparency together with the Japanese Partner, IGES, and ODI, among others, organised on 18-19 April 2019 in Tokyo an international...