Paper: Making Transport Paris-Compatible in Mexico

The transport sector in Mexico is responsible for more than a quarter of domestic emissions, with the automotive sub-sector accounting for 21.8% of total...

Paper: Energy Transition in Mexico – A fair coal phase-out

Designing a fair coal phase-out strategy in Mexico is one of the country’s most urgent measures to address climate change and to ensure an...

Event: Checking implementation of transport policies

On Friday, 9th June 2023, Climate Transparency, with funding by the European Union Climate Dialogues project, organized an event that offered an exclusive preview...

New report: Checking the implementation of transport policies

2023 is the year of the first global Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. With the threat of overshooting the 1.5°C limit looming ever...

Climate Transparency

The Climate Ambition Summit – The G20 transition from coal to...

The United Nations Secretary General António Guterres called to super-charge efforts to achieve the Climate Solidarity Pact through an Acceleration Agenda. The G20 as...